Va propunem un program de “lectii de arhitectura” destinat arhitectilor de toate varstele si de toate specializarile, pentru a le mentine vie pasiunea si creativitatea.
Programul este conceput cu distinsul "profesor emeritus" Francesco Capellari, fost presedinte al juriului pentru Bienala de Arhitectura de la Venezia in 2011-2012 impreuna cu Dr. Arh. Bogdan TOFAN - Conferentiar la UAIM (vice-comisar la acea data) si este inspirat de un curs organizat pentru arhitectii americani.
Tema propusa pentru prima sesiune destinata arhitectilor romani este: “Arhitectura si arhitectii Romei”
Programul este gandit intr-o configuratie de 18 - 20 persoane,
5 zile in perioada: 1 septembrie – 10 septembrie 2018.
Subiectele sesiunii sunt:
1. Roma Romana
Roma Republicana si Imperiala (Basilica, Pantheon, Catacombele romane, Nero - Domus Aurea, Baile publice, planul basilical)
2. Roma papala (medievala)
Biserici Paleo-crestine, San Clemente,
Renascentista Tempieto, San Pietro, Palatele,
Baroca (piata Spaniei, Navona, Sant’Ivo la Sapienta)
3. Roma moderna si contemporana (Maxxi Museum – Zaha Hadid, "Auditoria" de Renzo Piano, Biserica Jubileului si Ara Pacis – Richard Meier, Moscheia di Roma – Portogesi) si altii
Arhitectura din timpul fascismului
Lectiile vor fi sustinute, cu sprijinul “Terrafirma” Facultatea de Architectura din Vicenza, de profesorul Francesco Cappellari care va coordona si conduce cursul si vizitele la obiectivele vizate cu scopul de a intelege viata arhitectilor in locul si timpul respectiv ca o lectie pentru arhitectii de astazi.
Costul estimat este de 900 EURO/per particitant si acopera cheltuielile de transport, cazare, cursuri si vizite. Cazarea la Roma se va face intr-un hotel desemnat de Terrafirma. Incursiunea culturala va incepe intr-o simbata si se va termina duminica. Detaliile vor fi elaborate si prezentate prin materiale informative care vor putea fi descarcate de pe site-ul UAR.
Uniunea Arhitectilor din Romania apreciaza si sustine acest program, important pentru pregatirea arhitectilor si intelege sa sprijine financiar tineri arhitecti, cu inclinatii deosebite.
In acest scop, UAR va cofinanta participarea la aceste cursuri cu suma de 500 eur/persoana pentru 5 tineri arhitecti (cu varsta de pana la 35 ani).
Selectia celor care vor beneficia de sustinerea UAR se va face pe baza de cerere si material justificativ care va cuprinde :
a. Fiecare architect / student arhitect va scrie un material de 2000 - 2500 de cuvinte despre un monument semnificativ pentru arhitectura romaneasca din ultimii 100 de ani, sau din arhitectura romana aflat intr-o situatie precara, cu potential deosebit in situatia restaurarii si reabillitarii – redactate in romana, engleza si optional in italiana.
b. Materialul va fi sustinut grafic - desen, fotografii, fotomontaj, altele.
c. Materialul va contine o bibliografie.
Cererile si lucrarile se vor depune pana la data de 1 mai 2018 la sediul UAR.
Juriul va fi alcatuit din:
- Cei doi coordonatori ai programului si 3 membrii desemnati de UAR
Aceasta se doreste a fi o actiune periodica bi-anuala, cu publicarea materialelor executate de participanti care isi dau acordul pentru ca materialele considerate valoroase sa fie publicate, in 2019, si expuse in Bienala de arhitectura 2018.
Informatii suplimentare pot fi solicitate pe
Prof. Arch. FRANCESCO CAPELLARI (Vicenza Terrafirma Faculty VICENZA )
We offer a program of "architectural lessons" designed for architects of all ages and all specialties, to keep their passion and creativity alive.
The program is designed by distinguished emeritus professor Francesco Capellari, former president of the jury for the Venezia Architecture Biennial in 2011-2012, together with Dr. Bogdan TOFAN - Associate Professor at UAIM at that time. This course is inspired by his course, held every year, for professional architects during autumn.
The theme proposed for the first session for Romanian architects is: "Architecture and Architects of Rome"
The program is designed for a configuration of 18 to 20 people,
Duration is: 5 days between September 1 and September 10, 2018.
The topics of the session are:
1. Roma Romana
Republican Rome and Imperial (Roman Mall, Basilica, Pantheon, Roman Catacombs, Nero - Domus Aurea, Public Baths, Basilica Plan)
2. Papal Rome (medieval,)
Paleo-Christian Churches, San Clemente, Renaissance temple Tempieto, San Pietro, palaces,
Barocc (Spain piazza, Navona Piazza, Sant'Ivo in Sapienta)
3. Modern and Contemporary Rome
Maxxi Museum - Zaha Hadid, Auditorium by Renzo Piano, Jubilee Church and Ara Pacis - Richard Meier, Mosque of Rome – Portogesi, EUR: Architecture during fascism etc
Lessons will be presented, with the support of the Terrafirma Architecture Faculty of Vicenza, by Professor Francesco Cappellari, who will coordinate and lead the course and visits to the objectives in order to understand the life of the architects in that particular place and time as a lesson for today's architects.
The estimated cost is 900 Euros per participant and covers travel in site in Roma, accommodation, courses and visits. Accommodation in Rome will be in a hotel designated by Terrafirma. The cultural tour will begin on a Saturday and will end on Sunday. The details will be elaborated and presented through informative materials that can be downloaded from the UAR site.
The Union of Architects in Romania appreciates and supports this program, which is essential for the training of architects and understands to financially support young architects, with special inclinations.
For this purpose, UAR will co-finance the participation in these courses with an amount of 500 eur / person for 5 young architects (aged up to 35).
The selection of those who benefit from UAR support will be based on request and supporting material that will include:
a. Each architect / architect student will write a material of 2000-2500 words in English about a significant monument for Romanian architecture in the past 100 years, or Romanian architecture in a precarious situation, with a special potential in the situation of restoration and refurbishment - written in English.
b. The material will be supported graphically - drawing, photographs, photomontage, others.
c. The material will contain a bibliography.
Applications and works will be submitted by May 1, 2018 at UAR headquarters.
The jury will be composed of:
- The two coordinators of the program and 3 members nominated by the UAR
This is intended to be a bi-annual periodic activity with the publication of studio materials made by the participant who give their consent from the state for the materials considered valuable to be published in 2019 and exhibited in the architecture biennium 2018.
Additional information may be requested on
Platner's map of Rome for The Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome (1911).
Sursa imagine: